It’s no secret that having reliable cell service is important. Not only does it allow you to stay connected with the world, but it can also be critical in emergencies. Unfortunately, cell service isn’t always perfect. If you live or work in an area with spotty coverage, or if you just can’t seem to get a signal in your home or office, a signal booster may be the answer for you. In this blog post, we will discuss the advantages of owning a signal booster.
Some quick facts about signal boosters:
- Approximately 80% of cellular usage is indoors.
- Over 72% of cellphone users experience dropped calls and slow data speeds inside.
- An estimated 55% of American households exclusively use cellular rather than a landline connection.
- Over 59% of businesses have implemented BYOD policies and 87% of companies depend on their employees to access mobile business apps from their personal devices. (source)
Better cell signal = lives saved
In an emergency, the last thing you want to happen is to have a poor cell signal preventing you from calling 911. Signal boosters can help you maintain a stronger signal in emergency situations, which can literally be the difference between life and death.
Increased productivity and efficiency
If you’re like most people, you spend a good chunk of your day on your phone. Whether you’re checking email, browsing social media, or working on a document, having a strong cell ensures you can get your work done on time. This also helps to ease frustration and stress.
Enhances security
Many security systems rely on a cellular network for backup. Having poor signal in an emergency can render your security system useless. A signal booster can help to ensure that you have a strong cellular connection in the event of an emergency, which can help keep you and yours safe.
Creates a backup network
While today’s internet connectivity is more solid than ever, you never know when that fiber outage is going to affect you. No worries! If you have a strong cell signal via signal booster, you can always fall back on your cellular data.
Better signal = longer battery life
If there’s one thing everyone struggles with (and hates!) it’s cell batteries that quickly deplete. If your phone is constantly trying to find signal, that puts a strain and drain on your battery. Signal boosters help to reduce the amount of time your phone is searching for a signal, which in turn conserves your battery life.
Not convinced yet? Here are some additional statistics:
- 39.4% of American homes had only cellular phones (no landlines at all), up from less than 5% in 2003
- 15.7% of homes used only cellular phones for incoming and outgoing calls despite having landlines.
- 72% of cellular phone owners occasionally deal with dropped calls. And 32% said it happens a few times a week or even more often.
Right-sized signal boosters are affordable and provide an all-around benefit for you and your home or organization.
Ready to boost that signal? Simply reach out to us via our contact form and we’ll get a started on a plan to reduce frustration and increase cell signal!