There you are, the middle of the workday, plugging away, when a text message from the CEO arrives. “I’m in a meeting for the next two hours but I desperately need some gift cards. Go buy them and text me the codes so I can give them to a client.”
Does something seem fishy (or phishy) about this text message? Did this make you pause or would you have eagerly pulled out your wallet and bought the gift cards?
Believe it or not, 32.4% of employees fall for this type of phishing scam.
These types of scams can come any number of ways but most often arrive via text message or email.
Why Do Employees Fall For These Types of Phishing Scams?
There are many reasons why employees may fall for these types of scams, but the most common is a sense of urgency. When a message arrives with a request that needs to be fulfilled quickly and urgently, it can evoke fear and panic in the employee which causes them to act without much thought or question.
Here are some ways to avoid these types of scams.
1) Double Check Strange or Unusual Requests
If you receive an email or text message that seems strange, double-check with the sender to confirm it is legitimate. Take your time and make sure that you are confident in the request before taking any action.
2) Check Your Emotions
Take a moment to step back and think before responding. If you are feeling emotional, take some time away from the request and come back later in order to be sure your decision is not based on fear or panic.
3) Question Everything
If something seems out of the ordinary, don’t be afraid to question it. Before you take any action, make sure you have asked questions and verified the request is legitimate.
By following these simple steps, employees can drastically reduce their chances of falling for a phishing scam. Taking an extra moment to evaluate each situation can save your organization time and money in the long run.
Looking to Beef Up Your Security Training?
We can help with monthly security training to ensure you and your employees are trained and up-to-date on the latest phishing scams. Contact us today to learn more!